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Start the year off right and join with others as we contend together for Breakthrough in our lives. 

This is a time to be intentional: intentional about prayer, intentional about being in the Word, intentional about standing in faith.

The exciting Kickoff Service on January 4th is an invitation for the Lord to move amongst us. We will be given specific prayer requests of each person participating and we will pray for each other throughout the month.

Pastor Brad has been given the commission to reveal the enemy and his tactics to Abundant Life. Therefore, during this one month journey, we are excited to announce we will be reading through the amazing book, "Fight Back" written by Vladimir Savchuk. Buckle your seatbelts!  

You can purchase a book during online registration or you can choose to just download a free pdf copy to read.

We will gather for corporate prayer on Sunday mornings. 

We will celebrate all that God has done on February 2nd at our Breakthrough Service. We hope you'll join us!

Childcare will be available for those who sign up in advance ONLY